Brothers and Sisters,

I hope you are as excited about getting back to physically meeting together as I am. The church is the ecclesia – that is the assembly. Assembling online is not the same as being physically together – we are an incarnational body. Of course sensible precautions had, and have, to be made and we are obliged to comply with the civil law – but it is with a sense of relief that we are able to get back together, even if as yet we are not allowed to sing or hug each other!

Speaking of getting back together, I am deeply conscious of the need of the men to get together. Generally, we are all very busy – and Covid 19 has wreaked havoc with our schedules. However finally I hope to begin a monthly men’s breakfast meeting on Saturday the 5th of September from 8-9am.   What are we going to do and why should you come?

Rather than have a speaker each week we are going to look at a book by Joe Barnard called “The Way Forward – A Road Map of Spiritual Growth for Men in the 21st Century”. I have loved reading this and found it challenging, practical and just incredibly helpful.   I don’t think I could put it better than this endorsement –

“With so many books on discipleship being written, do men really need one more? Well, they do need a discipleship book that doesn’t rehash much of the same content, which is why men would do well to pick this up. In many ways, this is unlike most discipleship books. It imparts passion (like most) and encourages leadership (also like most), but this book provides men with a clear direction that many seem to lack. I plan to get this in the hands of my friends and work through it together. John Perritt,

In order to evangelise (make disciples) we need to be disciples.

“Virtually every evangelical church talks about discipleship or uses some form of ‘disciple’ in articulating their mission.  I have found few, however, that are effectively engaging their men in the type of discipling that Joe discusses in his book.  His assessment of the obstacles, and ways to truly establish discipling relationships is clear, concise, and compelling.  Every church that seeks to actualize the Great Commission would be well–advised to give this book to all of their men.” Joe Smith,

Sometimes we hit a roadblock and stop growing spiritually. This book and our meeting together will I believe help us.

“Most men hit a moment that they feel like their spiritual growth stalls out. I remember when I hit that point too—several times. And eventually, we all will. And the one thing that helps is a simple guide. This book is that guide for men—it’s a way to move forward.

Vince Miller,

If you would like to come, then please could you e-mail me or let the office know.

Book this week is The Way Forward (cost $15) so please let me know if you would like one.

Our video this week is an interview I did with Mark Powell, editor of the Australian Presbyterian, discussing evangelism in Australia today, which mentions amongst another things St Thomas’s. You can watch or listen here.

This week’s song is a bit different – its Deum Verum – Gregorian Chant.   It is so chilled. Just turn it up full volume and relax – knowing that the words are largely straight out of the psalms – apart from the title – “Very God, One in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity, O come, let us worship”. Click here.

Have a blessed Lords Day and a wonderful week serving him,

Your brother,
David Robertson