St Thomas’ VISION 2030

Dear brothers and sisters,

This Sunday marks our final week in our series listening to 1 Timothy before we launch into our Christmas services.  In chapter 4 verse 6 Paul says to Timothy: ‘If you put these things before the brothers, you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus, being trained in the words of the faith.’ This is such an interesting and surprising comment from Paul to his young colleague! Because the word of God is living and active when we explain it to others God is also actively training us. I can testify to that exciting experience as I have been studying 1 Timothy and sharing it with you. What an incentive to take advantage of opportunities God has given us to explain the Scriptures to others. Want to grow? Teach others! Or as our own John Chapman said: ‘expression deepens impression’.

As we have been seeing in 1 Timothy God’s purpose for us as a church is to be ‘a pillar and buttress of the truth’ of Jesus Christ (3:15). God our Saviour’s intention is for us as St Thomas’ to be holding up and holding out the Lord Jesus visibly and verbally to all those around. He wants our life as a church to be increasingly aligned to his desire for ‘all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth’ (2:4).

Having now studied this letter in depth I would like us to apply its lessons to ourselves as a church. As promised I have prepared a document here that enables us all to share thoughts and reflections on the implications of the letter for us as St Thomas’. In other words, I want to hear your thoughts on what changes we need to make to our church life so that we fulfil our purpose to be a pillar and buttress of the truth of Jesus to North Sydney and beyond.

It would be great if you were able to use the Summer to think prayerfully about this and feed in your ideas via the online form. If you would prefer to do so by a means other than this (by email to me or by a written note or verbally in person) that would be just as good.

The plan is to collect all these initial reflections together by the end of January. The staff along with a small number from the congregation whom I invite into a working group will then look at these ideas. That will form the first stage of planning for a “St Thomas’ Vision 2030”. The final aim will be to produce a public document and presentation to the whole church before the end of the year that outlines a vision for St Thomas’ up to and including 2030.

I so look forward to receiving your reflections about our future mission together.

2022 Key Dates
One other thing: we have put in place dates for important events in our church family life in 2022 (Prayer Meetings, Hope Explored course, Home Houseparty, 5pm Weekend Away etc.). These can be found here. Please do put them in your diary if that would be helpful.

And as always so look forward to seeing you on Sunday!

Your brother in Christ,
Mickey Mantle