There is one unique and eternal God, who exists in an everlasting loving relationship of Father, Son and Spirit – one God in three persons. God is sovereign in all things.
Men and women together are created in the image of God, and therefore enjoy a unique dignity in creation and a unique relationship with God.
Tragically, human nature is universally sinful since the fall and all are guilty before God. This leaves us under the wrath and condemnation of God.
We are unable to turn ourselves to God.
There is no other way to know God except that he reveals himself to us. The Bible is God’s revelation and the words of the Bible are divinely inspired and infallible, as originally given, and have supreme authority in all matters of faith, conduct and experience.
The Bible is sufficient for knowing God.
Jesus Christ is both fully God and truly human. He entered fully into human experience, enduring temptation, suffering and death. He was perfectly obedient to God his father.
In his death Jesus took on himself the consequences of human sin, but on the third day he rose from the dead bodily and is now exalted as ruler over all.
He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead.
Salvation is entirely of God’s grace and not of human merit or works. It is only through the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ, as our representative and substitute, that the guilt, penalty and power of sin can be removed.
The Spirit enables the sinner to repent and put their faith in Jesus Christ.
Although we enjoy now the blessing of union with Christ and secure relationship with God, we await the final consummation of our hope with the return of Christ, the resurrection of our bodies and life with him eternally.
The Holy Spirit is co-equal with the Father and the Son, and indwells all true believers.
His role is to bring glory to Jesus Christ, thus making Jesus Christ central in all things.
The Spirit enables believers to grasp the truth of the Bible, transforming them and empowering them for service.
The necessity of the work of the Holy Spirit to make the death of Christ effective in individual sinners, granting them repentance towards God, and faith in Jesus Christ.
The ongoing work of the indwelling Holy Spirit in the believer.
The visible church is the gathering of believers around Christ in his Word.
It is a community of people intended by God to bear witness to him and use their gifts as they work to build the church in love.
The Bible makes clear that in church leadership, as in marriage, the roles of men and women are not interchangeable. We are committed to expressing the differences within relationships of mutual dependence.
Monday – Friday
9am – 3pm
Micky has been the Rector at St Thomas’ since September 2021. He grew up in Brisbane and moved to the UK for University where he remained working in Christian ministry and in Finance. He returned to Australia in 2012 to complete the Bachelor of Divinity at Moore Theological College. After College he served as an Assistant Minister at St Helen’s Bishopsgate in London. Micky is married to Ellie and they have three children – Jono, Olivia and Theo.
Paul is married to Michelle and has 4 beautiful children. Prior to going Bible college, Paul worked as a science teacher, residential care worker and children’s and youth worker in a church. After college he was ordained and worked as a senior assistant minister in Melbourne and a family pastor in Canberra before taking the role of Senior Chaplain at Shore School, North Sydney in 2008. Since February 2022, he is now the 8am, 10am and Kids Minister at St Thomas’. He loves creatively telling people about Jesus, hanging out with his family at beaches, triathlons, rock climbing and building stuff.
Luke has been the minister of the 5pm service since the beginning of 2022. He is married to Ling who is also involved in ministry at St Thomas’. He knew from a very young age that the best thing in life was following Jesus. During university the Lord really grew Luke in his faith. After university he worked for six years as a maritime engineer. Having grown up in other churches he was surprised when the Lord led him to study for ministry at Moore College. During his studies the Lord grew his love for the Word. He loves rugby, exploring Australia and enjoys solving chess puzzles to unwind.
Nic has been doing a ministry traineeship since the start of 2024. He had been a part of the St Thomas’ family prior to this, having joined in late 2019 when he became a Christian. During this time God has grown in Nic a deep trust in the Lord Jesus and his salvation. He serves in the 5pm congregation under the traineeship of Luke. He loves spending time learning more about Jesus and sharing this with others. He also enjoys spending time exploring the outdoors with camping and hiking and is a big Sydney Swans fan.
Jackson joined St Thomas’ as a student minister in January 2022. He grew up in Christchurch, New Zealand and worked in investment services in Wellington and financial regulation in London. He loves running, the beach, and snowboarding (although that is on hold for now). Jackson came to faith after university having been challenged to explore Jesus. He was struck by the truth and goodness of God’s word and Jesus opened his eyes to see that He is the Lord. Jackson is married to Annalise and they have two children – James and Zoe. They wish to return to NZ after college to make Jesus known.
Aimee began as a student minister in Feb 2024. She grew up in Auckland, then spent a formational 6 years in London (while teaching children to sing for a job). There, she was captivated by the power of God’s Word, and was compelled to spend more time speaking of Jesus to others. She has served for the last 3 years in a small church in Christchurch, NZ, in women’s and music ministry. Aimee loves to potter on the piano, belt out a show tune or bury herself behind a sewing machine.
Dom is a Student Minister in the 5pm congregation and a student at Moore College. He grew up in Singapore and put his faith in Jesus as a child, but it was in university when he was struck by the power of God’s Word to give life and the need to listen to it. He has set his medical career aside to be equipped to proclaim God’s gospel of eternal life back in Singapore. He is married to Gillian and is expecting his firstborn in December 2023.
Brian moved with his wife, Theodora, to Sydney in 2024 to study at Moore College and begin a role as a student minister at St Thomas’. Originally from Belfast, Northern Ireland, he has lived in England for the past 12 years (so grasping his somewhat diluted Belfast accent shouldn’t be an issue!). Brian studied music at the University of Oxford, before moving to London to study classical singing and subsequently pursued work as a classical singer for 6 years. He acknowledged Jesus as Lord during his time in London and trained on the Associate Scheme at St Helen’s Bishopsgate, London, before working as a Mens’ Worker for the evening congregation there.
Married, with two grown up sons and an elderly father-in-law at home; Amanda loves to bake, make sourdough bread and potter in her little veggie patch in the garden. She attends her local church in the Hills and runs a bible study with her husband.
Albert works part time after retiring from fulltime work. He has a background in corporate accounting. Albert and his wife Adeline enjoy serving at church in a variety of roles. They have a son. Albert likes playing golf and listening to music.
Ellise is married to Sean and has a daughter. Having lived in the UK for 4 years, Ellise moved back to Sydney in 2022. She has been a member of St Thomas’ since she was 11 years old (with the small break in-between when living in the UK) and is now attending the 10am service.
Craig has worked in the travel industry and not-for-profits for most of his working life and currently works part-time at St Thomas’.
He likes watching cricket in the summer and football in the winter supporting Manly Warringah. He also enjoys watching live bands and performers!
John MacLeod, married to his lovely wife Jill for coming up 40 years, 3 married kids who all love the Lord, praise God (!) and 4 grandchildren.
Came to Australia in 1986 with one 18 month old, live in Cremorne, attended St T’s since 1996, warden since 2013. John has been involved at St T’s leading discipleship groups, for some of that time especially tailored to welcome new Christians, including a number from Christianity Explored courses. He also looks after the Audio Visual facilities and also have responsibility for IT on the site. John races a modest sailing boat on Sydney Harbour, roasts his own coffee, bakes various breads regularly and makes pizzas in the pizza oven.
Ewen is married to Catherine and they have been “10am members” of St Thomas since 1995. Ewen has previously served on our parish council. He is currently a board member of the Sydney Diocese entities: Anglican Church Growth Corporation and New Churches for New Communities. He was a board member of Mission Australia a non-denominational Christian community service organisation for more than 20 years including over 7 years as Chairman.
Ewen and Catherine have 3 married children and 3 grandchildren – Jonathan and Catherine are also members of St Thomas.
Ewen’s professional career was as a lawyer. He joined Allens as a clerk in 1979 in his final year of law school ultimately becoming chairman of partners in 2008. He stepped down from Allens in January 2013 to accept appointment to the board of Westpac where he served til December 2019. Currently he is chairman of Corporate Travel Management Ltd and a non-executive director of BlueScope Steel Ltd. He has also served on a number of other commercial and not-for-profit boards.
Geoff has been attending St Thomas’ with his wife Jenny for about 10 years, mainly the 10am service, although they have joined the 8am service on many occasions. They are part of a Wednesday night home group – a real joy to study and share God’s word together. Over the last 10 years Geoff has been working at HammondCare, mainly as the CFO, and over the last 2 years he has scaled back towards retirement that will be realised by June 2023.
Geoff has a background in accounting and finance, and has worked in public accounting, banking, reinsurance, property and aged health care.