Summer Series

St Thomas' Church Anglican Church, North Sydney Corner Church & McLaren Streets, North Sydney

What is a Christian? Getting to the Heart of it.   There are all sorts of misunderstandings about this vital question. Over the four weeks in January we will look at what Jesus says is the true answer. A great series for friends to come to and be brought from there to the 5-week LIFE […]

Summercamp 2025

Youthworks’ Rathane Conference Centre the end of Warumbul Road, Royal National Park, Port Hacking, NSW

Summercamp is an amazing week spent loving God, loving each other and loving summer. Over the week, some of the activities we do include: Daily Bible talks and discussion groups Time praising God through song and praying to him Massive games, including messy games A pool, river and water-slide The Summercamp Cup A campfire A […]

Student Getaway

The students are heading away in January to kick off the new year! A highlight of many people’s Summer, it’s going to be four terrific days of spending time together and listening to God’s Word. Register here!

Morning Prayer Meeting

Parkview Building, St Thomas' Anglican Church, North Sydney Cnr Miller St & McLaren St, North Sydney, NSW

Please do join us to pray together for our ministry and mission at the time that is most convenient to you. We will be praying for our BCA Mission Partners this morning. We will meet together in Parkview from 10am.

Evening Prayer Meeting

Memorial Hall, St Thomas' Anglican Church, North Sydney Corner of Church and McLaren Streets, North Sydney, NSW

Please do join us to pray together for our ministry and mission at the time that is most convenient to you. We will be praying for our BCA Mission Partners this evening.   We will have dinner together from 6:30-7:30pm dinner ($10 for Paella dinner catered - or BYO), and then prayer together from 7:30-9pm […]

Discipleship Group Launch Week for 2025

Our 2025 Discipleship Groups will start for 2025 in the week commencing Sunday 9 February. If you are keen to join an 8am or 10am DG please let us know here. If you are keen to join a 5pm DG please let us know here.

LIFE (Week 1)

Memorial Hall, St Thomas' Anglican Church, North Sydney Corner of Church and McLaren Streets, North Sydney, NSW

Have you considered the meaning of life and the claims made by Jesus in the Bible? LIFE is 5 evenings that will help us make sense of life, the Bible, and what it says about Jesus. There will be opportunity for discussion and questions but no pressure to say anything. Lovely nibbles and desserts will […]

Working Bee

St Thomas' Church Anglican Church, North Sydney Corner Church & McLaren Streets, North Sydney

It is that time again when we gather with our gloves and tools to snip, prune, weed and tidy our lovely garden at St Thomas'. Please bring any gardening equipment if you can. Inside and outside jobs will be allocated and morning tea will be served. Meet from 8am at the Cottage Hall.   Please […]

LIFE (Week 2)

Memorial Hall, St Thomas' Anglican Church, North Sydney Corner of Church and McLaren Streets, North Sydney, NSW

Have you considered the meaning of life and the claims made by Jesus in the Bible? LIFE is 5 evenings that will help us make sense of life, the Bible, and what it says about Jesus. There will be opportunity for discussion and questions but no pressure to say anything. Lovely nibbles and desserts will […]

LIFE (Week 3)

Memorial Hall, St Thomas' Anglican Church, North Sydney Corner of Church and McLaren Streets, North Sydney, NSW

Have you considered the meaning of life and the claims made by Jesus in the Bible? LIFE is 5 evenings that will help us make sense of life, the Bible, and what it says about Jesus. There will be opportunity for discussion and questions but no pressure to say anything. Lovely nibbles and desserts will […]