Dear Friends,

A   Summer Nights: Summer is a coming and before life gets any crazier with everything Christmas, we thought it might be a good time to let you know some plans for January.

When Christmas is over, the dust has settled, most of our ministries are in recess and the weeks are pretty blank, you may just be wishing there was something for your heart, mind, soul and strength. Here is one good answer…

On Sundays, we will be preaching through the Book of Acts in all congregations with particular reference to the four key activities of the church (Engaging, Evangelising, Enfolding, and Equipping).

Then on Wednesday evenings between 7pm-8pm, starting on 2 January 2019 while our Discipleship Groups are taking a summer break, we will gather together in the Memorial Hall for a further Bible Study on each topic led by the previous weekend’s preacher. While it might change a bit from week to week, the general format for these evenings will be:

7pm – 7.30pm People to arrive with their own food to eat together at tables
7.30pm – 7.40pm Brief intro to your topic
7.40pm – 8.30pm Discussion groups at tables
8.30pm – ?? Pray & Go

We’ve given these evenings the somewhat pedestrian name, “Summer Nights”, in preference to Simon’s suggestion, “The All in Holiday Fast Food and Fellowship”, but feel free to call them whatever you like. What we want you to know is that:

B   Thank you so much to those of you who have already contributed to supporting the theological education of Mehrdad Sajadi, an Iranian refugee in Munich! If you would still like to contribute, it’s not too late – there’s still a long way to go to reach the target of $32,000 AUD p.a. – and you can make a donation directly to our general fund (BSB 032099 Account number 250072) using “Mehrdad“ as a Reference.

C   We are still keen to hear any ideas you might have for sermon topics and mid-week seminar titles for our invitation week, next March 18-24. And perhaps keener still if you have ideas of a seminar you (or someone you could recommend) might be able to run on a topic of interest to our wider community, to which people could happily invite their friends. Things like:

You can make your suggestions by filling out the form below and dropping it in the marked box at the back of church.

Sermon topic ideas:


Seminar topic ideas:


In his grace,
Mike Clark