Jotham Booker

Soon after Jotham came to faith in Jesus, he realised that God have given him a passion for preaching and teaching. By His Grace, Jotham had the chance to be theologically trained in Sydney, as a result of which he now feels prepared and motivated to return to Munich, Germany to serve God and his church there with his passion, gifts and skills partnered with Church Missionary Society (CMS).

In Germany, evangelical Christianity is gradually growing but trained pastors, leaders and preachers are rarities.

Here's a short update video from Jotham on his time in Germany

The evangelical churches in southern Germany are young, growing with baby steps and in dire need of trained leaders, pastors, preaches and teachers. Jotham's hope is to be able to help revitalise churches that have 'got stuck' over the years and to help grow new churches by faithfully preaching the Word, shepherding God's people and training them for "acts of service" (Ephesians 4:12).

Given Germany's key role in world mission historically, Jotham firmly believes that this is a strategic place and ministry. Stronger German churches will be an immense blessing, not only to the Germans or Europeans, but peoples throughout the world. His dream is to help churches get to the point where they not only have trained leaders and reach the local communities effectively, but also send believers to places where "Christ [is] not known" (Romans 15:20). To that end, the plan is to first do an apprenticeship under one of the few trained German pastors before moving onto an independent church revitalisation project, whilst also finding and training potential future leaders.

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