We believe that kids are a valuable part of our church family here at St Thomas’. We want them to know and experience for themselves the love and hope that is in Christ. Therefore, we are committed to teaching them about Jesus each week and seeing them grow to love Jesus as a part of their everyday lives, not just here on a Sunday.
When we meet together at church, the kids have a great time reading the Bible, learning about Jesus, playing games and hanging out with friends. Come along and check it out, we’d love to meet you! Below is a snapshot of timings for kids’ church at our 10am service on Sundays.
10am: Both kids and adults start in the main church building where we sing together and have a short kids talk with Grunch the puppet.
10.15am: The children walk over with their leaders to their various places. There are bible talks and discussions, games, toys and crafts too.
11.15am: After the main church service is finished, kids get picked up by their parents from their various places. Please feel free to stick around for morning tea afterwards!
Places to meet
Creche: 0 to 8 months at Vestry
Tiny Toms: 12 months to 3 years at Cottage Hall
Tom Thumbs: Preschoolers aged 3 to 5 at St Thomas’ Preschool Building
Stomp: Kindy, Years 1 and 2 at Parkview Building
Phantom: Years 3 and 4 at Parkview Building
Atomic: Years 5 and 6 at Parkview Building
Daylights: Years 7 to 9 at Memorial Hall
If you would like more information or have a question, please email:
Paul Dudley at [email protected]
Sarah Greenaway at [email protected]
Please look at our events page for more information.
Monday – Friday
9am – 3pm