Vlad was raised in a non-Christian family in Ukraine and became a Christian through reading the Bible. He has been involved in the student ministry of International Fellowship of Evangelical Students for more than twenty years. In 2014, the Kostornyy's moved to Australia for Vlad to study at Cornhill. Vlad also completed his MDiv at Morling College and received pastoral accreditation. Anna is currently studying at Morling College on a program of Master of Christian Counselling. In addition, she is completing her Bachelor degree of Christian Education at Global University. Vlad continues serving in Eurasia whilst in Australia through Eurasia Partners Network (EPN) and European Christian Mission (ECM) as a coach, mentor and a trainer for the Christian staff workers and church planters in Eastern Europe, Russia and Central Asia.
Since the 1990's, the evangelical church has continued to grow in Eastern Europe and Russia. However, there is still less than 1% of the population involved in gospel-centred churches. There is a new generation of young leaders who could emigrate to other countries, but they feel called to remain and plant new Spirit-filled churches. They appreciate training and education, but deeply desire mentoring and coaching from veteran leaders who have walked before them and understand their culture. EPN seeks to accelerate indigenous, gospel-centred church-planting movements in Eurasia through coaching, connecting and resourcing. Eurasia includes Eastern Europe, Russia and Central Asia - historically represented by the Hapsburg Dynasty, the Ottoman Empire and the Soviet Union.
Vlad's role at ECM and EPN is to accelerate indigenous, gospel-centred, church planting movements throughout Eurasia by coaching, training and mentoring local pastors and leaders. During their coaching and mentoring sessions, which they have either one-to-one or in a group, Vlad trains them in the art of expository preaching, strategy and vision development skills, development of church growth plans, and team building. At presents, the Lord has bless Vlad with an opportunity to coach and mentor more than 40 pastors and church leaders from Eurasia. Most of the church planters regularly face pressure not only from the government, but also from old traditional church which oppose their desire to reach non-believers in new ways. Also, most church planters do not have any theological education and often need guidance and advice in the area of teaching as well.
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Monday – Friday
9am – 3pm